Kodak Smile Instant Printer

I bought thee Kodak Smile Instant Digital Bluetooth Printer becase I had to replace a similar Polaroid printer that tanked on me during a recent trip to Korea.

I love keeping a journal and have several of them dedicated to travel, cycling and other personal endeavors.

My graphic design and photography background, however, has always wanted me to add visuals to the things I write. If my journal pages are not filled with doodles or sketches, then I often add photos to accompany the words I write.

My journals are a window to the past and I love picking them up after they’ve been filled and revisiting the adventures and experiences I had. It’s great to read, and see, how I felt on a given day five or so years ago.

In the past I would attach images I shot with a couple of my Polaroid 600 cameras or after add photos after they had been developed. With the advent of digital photography, and then the iPhone, that practice subsided and my journal entries were usually just accompanied by crude sketches. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I discovered the little portable Bluetooth Zink printers. My wife gifted me a Polaroid version Christmas in 2018 and I absolutely loved it! I brought the little thing me everywhere and printed photos as I was writing my journal entries.

Las month I traveled to Seoul to visit my daughter and brought it along for the ride again. Sadly, after years of use it finally gave up. So, I had to replace it. I looked for the same model but unfortunately was unable to find it on Amazon, so after a little research I pulled the trigger on the Kodak Smile Instant Digital Bluetooth Printer.

After my old printer broke in Seoul I just carried on with my entries and used a place holder printer sheet for where I wanted my pics to go, I simply wrote around it. As soon as I arrived home the printer was waiting for me, so all I had to do was charge it and print the 30 images I had made space for.

I was able to get going right off the bat. once I recovered from my trip I settled in my recliner and connected the printer to my phone. As soon as I did I was prompted to download the accompanying Kodak Smile App. From there, the process was super intuitive and I just began selecting images - that, btw, was the hardest part (note to self, create an album in the future) - and began printing. As can be expected, it took me some time to output the 30 images I had selected. I actually did it over the course of a couple of days. This, by no means, was because of the printer. I would have usually printed on demand from wherever I was.

The prints look great. given the cost of the printer, I wasn’t expecting thermal printer quality. For my journaling purposes, they are perfect and convey exactly what I want them to. I could do exactly what I wanted. Print and paste photos from my trip to augment what I wrote into my journal.

I’m traveling to Lima, Peru in mid-September and will bring it with me as I had my previous printer. I’ll report on how it does with “on demand” printing once I get back.

My first impression is highly positive. If you like journaling like me, the Kodak Smile Instant Digital Bluetooth Printer is a great way to enhance your entries and I highly recommend it.

You can purchase the Kodak Smile Instant Digital Bluetooth Printer from Amazon. Some of the links on this post are affiliate links. This means that if you click the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. All of the impressions and opinions above are my own.. Clicking and purchasing items using my affiliate ID helps me keep providing you with content and is very much appreciated.
